1 - Can cut each kind of meat and cheese products (using manual or automa8c way). So the
machine can cut (Lunch meat, Pas8rma, Cheddar Cheese, Roumy Edam cheese).
2 - Can cut all the frozen products.
3 - The thickness of the slice can be controlled and adjusted according to the needs,
star8ng from 1 mm - 25 mm.
4 - No wasted products during the cuMng process.
1 - The machine has an adjus8ng device for adjus8ng the knife blade.
2 - The machine has a device to control the needed thickness of the slice.
3 - The machine has a holder in order to hold the product during the cuMng process.
4 - All the moving parts of the machine based on ball bearings.
How to use:
1 - Connect the machine with the electricity.
2 - Pulling the front arm of the machine and turning it down.
3 - Raising the arm of the holder.
4 - Placing the product on the cuMng disk.
5 - Fixing the arm of the holder on the product.
6 - Adjusing the holder and the cuMng disk in front of the knife.
7 - Adjusing the thickness of the needed slice.
8 - Locking the machine by the interlock arm.
9 - Pressing the start button.
1 - There is an aluminium cover around the knife in order to protect the user.
2 - The holder is disconnected automa8cally and directly aPer finishing the cuMng process.