1 - Can cut the Roumy cheese in automa2c way.
2 - Can cut the frozen cheese.
3 - The thickness of the slice can be controlled and adjusted according to the needs,
star2ng from 1 mm - 25 mm.
4 - No wasted cheese during the cutting process.
1 - The machine has an electrical knife heater in order to facilitate the cutting process in
of status of the cheese was fragmented or extremely cold or frozen.
2 - The machine is equipped by a 2mer device in order to control the working 2me and the degree
of the heater temperature.
3 - The machine also is equipped by an internal oil pump in order to lubricate and distribute
the oil on all the parts of the machine from inside.
4 - The machine is equipped by a holder behind the knife in order to hold the cheese during the
cutting process.
How to use:
1 - Connect the machine with the electricity.
2 - Opening the outer glass door.
3 - Unlock the interlock arm of the machine.
4 - Turning the cutting disk in order to receive the cheese.
5 - Placing the cheese on the disk.
6 - Turning back the cutting disk.
7 - Closing the glass door.
8 - Locking the interlock.
9 - Adjusting the thickness of the needed slice.
10 - Switching on the heater if it is needed.
11 - Pressing the start buWon.
1 - The machine is geEng disconnected automa2cally aJer finishing the cutting process.
2 - The machine will be disconnected automa2cally if the outer glass door is being opened.